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Our purpose here is to highlight and exalt the radical generosity of God’s heart, confront the commercialization of Christianity, and promote the biblical teaching that ministry should be supported but never sold. We want to explore the history of how we’ve gotten to the point where it’s the respectable default to monetize ministry, and take a deep dive into the Scripture’s teaching on the subject. We believe our evangelical cultural moment has a serious blind spot in this area, and we hope to be a voice of reform. Overall, we seek to take seriously what Jesus commanded in Matthew 10:8: “Freely you have received; freely give.”

Who we are

Profile picture of Andrew Case

Andrew Case

Andrew is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Canada Institute of Linguistics. He serves as a Bible translation consultant, and produces a podcast about his field called Working for the Word. He spent seven years doing Bible translation work in Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa), and now he and his wife Bethany work in Mexico. Together founded where they teach Hebrew to the world. They have a beautiful baby girl named Naomi. Listen to the music he produces and read his books over at his personal website.

Hear Andrew’s journey to freely giving.

Profile picture of Conley Owens

Conley Owens

Conley is a software engineer, a pastor at Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church, and the father of nine kids. He is the author of The Dorean Principle: A Biblical Response to the Commercialization of Christianity, and lives with his family in Sunnyvale, California.

Hear Conley’s journey to clarity on what Scripture teaches about money and ministry.

Profile picture of Jon

Jon Here

Jon is the founder of Gracious Tech, an app development company that produces software for cross-cultural mission, and hundreds of missionaries rely on its newsletter software Stello. He has served for many years as a pastor part-time and also as a missionary in south-east Asia. He completed his MDiv at Sydney Missionary & Bible College. While creating Bible apps he discovered just how commercialized Scripture had become and created Let’s copy, church in response, to advocate for the free giving of Scripture and other ministry resources.

Hear Jon’s journey to confronting the commercialization of Scripture.


Find out more about our evangelical perspective in our statement of faith.


This website and all its contents (except that owned by a third-party) is dedicated to the public domain. You can use it without restriction and without attributing us.


This project is funded entirely by our volunteers. In accordance with Scripture, we will never charge fees, display ads, monetize content, or exploit your personal information. While some platforms that host our content might display ads (like YouTube or Spotify), they are outside of our control. We will never run our own ads or monetize our content in any way, and our content is always available on other ad-free platforms as well.

While we affirm the right to support for ministry, we are choosing not to request it for this project. We don’t want to risk any confusion on the sincerity of the message we’re trying to share.


You can reach us on any of our social channels, or email us at

All original content is freely given and dedicated to the public domain.
We do not give legal advice.