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Freely give your ministry resources

Head over to ‘Let’s copy, church’, our partner site, for guidance on how to free a resource from copyright and how to publish new works without relying on commercial publishers.

How to free a resource

For book authors, there is also a detailed guide on self-publishing a free book.

Spread the word

Raise these issues in conversations with your friends, family, church leaders, small group, etc. And share our podcast, videos, and website with as many people as possible. Simply do what any disciple of Jesus should do:

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. (2 Tim. 4:2-3)

Share what Scripture says, using any one of the resources available on this site, or relevant passages straight from the Bible. The only way hearts and minds will change is if God’s people discuss and submit themselves to his Word.


The Jesus trade won’t be abolished without prayer. Pray for us as we continue to create content to spread awareness of the problem and the solution. Pray for Christian publishers to have open minds and hearts to the truth of Scripture. Pray that the Church be freed from the stranglehold of materialism and its blindness to the sin of commercializing Christ. Pray for evangelicals to repent when they see the reality of our present crisis and the gravity of Christ’s command to give freely. Without prayer we won’t see a new reformation in this crucial area.

Give someone a book

The books and resources page has several books that are free to download. If you know someone who might benefit from going deeper into the biblical command to give freely, you can send them Conley Owens’ book The Dorean Principle. Even the paper copies are free, with free shipping. So make someone’s day with a gift in the mail!

Join discussions

Follow any of our social accounts to read and discuss new material as we release it:


If you use Facebook, you can also join this discussion group. You should read at least some of The Dorean Principle before joining, so you understand the arguments being put forward.

You may also like to start your own group with friends who are interested in this topic.

All original content is freely given and dedicated to the public domain.
We do not give legal advice.