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039: The Sin of Judas and the Sale of Christian Teaching

This episode discusses how the sin of Judas has a modern-day parallel in the practice of selling Christian teaching for profit. Those who trade the things of God for material gain are committing a s...

038: Eric the Excuse Expert & A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin

Eric is the leader of a prominent publisher of valuable resources in the field of biblical studies. He loves God with all his heart, and wants to see the Church edified and grow in the knowledge of ...

037: On the Specter of Copyright Hijacking

Here at Selling Jesus, we advocate that ministries release their content into the public domain. Among other reasons, we believe this to be the most consistent approach to Jesus’s command to “freely give” in Matthew 10:8. Howe...

036: How to Share the Joy of Freely Giving with Others

This episode offers practical guidance and wisdom on how to share the principle of freely giving, along with its implications and applications. It can be a sensitive topic, and people often avoid sharin...

035: Julia the YouTuber & Blogger - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus trade, often unwi...

034: How to Publish a Book That's Truly Freely Given

Many feel intimidated when it comes to making their book available free of cost or hindrance. And if you’ve listened to our conversation about Joe the Author, you may have lots of practical questions about ...

033: The Worship Tax

In this episode (which you can read on Jon explores how the Christian music industry exploits church worship for commercial gain, despite religious exemptions for churches. Churches are required to pay annual licensing fees to use modern worship songs ...

032: Mandy the Biblical Scholar & Tom the Seminary President - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "⁠⁠⁠⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠⁠⁠⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals...

031: The Ministry I Work with Requires Me to Sell Jesus...

What do you do when you've invested years working for a particular ministry that's part of the Jesus Trade, but then become convicted that selling ministry is wrong? We received an email from a ...

030: FirstLove Ministries - with Joe Jacowitz

Our guest in this episode, ⁠Joseph Jacowitz⁠, has been the pastor of Christ Bible Church, in Pleasanton, CA since 1990. He and his wife Sherry have been married since 1978 and have five children and eight grandchildren. ...

029: The Sale of Religious Instruction = Simony

"When Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money. 'Give me this power as well,' he said, 'so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spir...

028: How the Jesus Trade Harms the World - the Iron Curtain of Copyright & Cost - episode 3

For those of you who prefer to listen rather than watch a long video, this episode is for you. Watch the original video here, wh...

027: Chris the Prophetic Voice - Christians Who Sell Jesus

Read the profile here. This series on "⁠⁠⁠⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠⁠⁠⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus tr...

026: Charging Fees for Biblical Counseling? - Deborah Dewart

Although this article was not originally written for a podcast, we offer it here for those who don't have time to read it. If you prefer to read it, you can do that here. See the timestamps ...

025: Deep Dive into 2 Corinthians 2:17 - Commercializing the Word of God

Read the article here. "For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ"...

024: ACBC Counseling Fees

Our Master has commanded us to “teach and admonish one another” (Col. 3:16) and to “warn those that are unruly” (1 Thess. 5:14) as part of our Christian duty. Yet rather than speaking truth and wisdom to others freely, as they received it from God, some sell t...

023: Luke the Sought-After Preacher - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "⁠⁠⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠⁠⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus trade, often unwi...

022: Bible Publishers - Stewards or Gatekeepers?

Read the article and footnotes here. Let’s imagine that your pastor gets up one Sunday morning and announces: “If anyone wants to share passages from the Bible they need to ask me for permission first. I have to do...

021: James the Worship Composer - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "⁠⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus trade, often unwittingly. ...

020: Should Christian Ministry Be Supported by Ads?

The 1998 movie The Truman Show is a film about a man named Truman Burbank who—unaware—lived his entire life inside a simulated reality TV show. In order to pay for the show, the producers filled Truman’s worl...

019: Biblical Counseling Should Be Free

The biblical counseling movement was founded on the conviction that the Bible is sufficient for solving all non-medical problems that humans face. The central figure behind this return to Scripture was Jay Adams, who shocked the wor...

018: Should Preachers Be Paid?

Conley Owens argues that the Bible is clear that ministers should be financially supported. In the same context that Jesus commanded the disciples to “freely give” their message, he acknowledged that the worker is “worthy of his food” (Matt. 10:10). ...

017: Steve the Biblical Counselor - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus trade, often unwittingly....

016: Obligation and Compulsion - Conversation 6

As Tim and his pastor continue their conversations, they tackle the question: Where should our sense of obligation lie when giving to support Christian ministry - to God or to man? Looking at biblical illustrations l...

015: Jane the Free Thinker - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "Christians Who Sell Jesus" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus trade, often unwittingly. Our intention i...

014: What's up with Paul? - Conversation 5

As Tim and his pastor continue their conversations, they try their best to grapple with some passages from the Apostle Paul that can be confusing. Why is Paul willing to receive money from people in some circumstances and unwi...

013: Joe the Author - Christians Who Sell Jesus

This series on "⁠Christians Who Sell Jesus⁠" takes profiles that represent real-world scenarios wherein well-meaning individuals are actively engaged in the Jesus trade, often unwittingly. Our intention is to engage ...

012: The Bondage of the Word - Copyright & the Bible

For nearly a century, copyright legislation has been subtly but effectively applied, misused and abused in regard to the Word of God in order to chain the Bible to a new pulpit, differing in kind but not in...

011: Does Jesus’ Command to “Freely Give” Apply Today?

People often attempt to justify the Jesus trade by dismissing the command of Christ in Matthew 10:8 as irrelevant to Christians today. They say that the command to freely give just doesn’t apply to us a...

010: Typical Objections to the Biblical Teaching that Ministry Should Be Free

In this episode Jon, Conley, and Andrew discuss some of the common objections that typically come up when Christians encounter resistance to the Jesus trade...

009: The History of the Jesus Trade - Conversation 4

As Tim and his pastor continue their conversations, they discuss the history of how we got to this point in history where the monetization of ministry is so normal and such a respectable sin. They talk abou...

008: The Command of Christ - Conversation 3

As Tim and his pastor continue their conversations, they discuss the interpretation of Matthew 10:8-11 and other key verses that help shed light on the difference between selling ministry and supporting ministry. They look a...

007: Pragmatism vs Principle - Conversation 2

As Tim and his pastor continue their conversations, they explore how the tendency to do "whatever works" has often triumphed over obeying Scripture, especially when it comes to money and ministry. They look at examples o...

006: Our Lavish God - Conversation 1

With this short conversation between Tim and his pastor, we want to set the foundation for further discussions of generosity and biblical thinking about money and ministry. And that foundation is that we worship a stunningly lavish God wh...

005: What God Thought about Truth-Selling in Ancient Israel

Read the written version of this article here. Truth was already being sold way back in the 8th century BC in the time of the prophet Micah, and what he wrote has implications for today’s mon...

004: A Google Engineer's Journey to Clarity on What Scripture Teaches about Money and Ministry

Conley Owens is a pastor at Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church and a software engineer.  This is his story of discover...

003: Who Really Owns God’s Word? - Jon’s Journey to Freely Giving Scripture

Through many twists and turns, Jon comes to the conviction that God is actually the owner of his Word, and that the commercialization and legal restriction of i...

002: My Journey to Freely Giving & Abolishing the Jesus Trade - Andrew Case

In this episode I'd like to tell the story of how I got to where I am today in my conviction about freely giving ministry—the belief that ministry should be sup...

001: Abolish the Jesus-Trade - Introducing a Biblical Response to the Commercialization of Christianity

Our purpose here is to highlight and exalt the radical generosity of God’s heart, confront the commercia...
All original content is freely given and dedicated to the public domain.
We do not give legal advice.