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Podcast episode 28

How the Jesus Trade Harms the World - the Iron Curtain of Copyright & Cost - episode 3

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For those of you who prefer to listen rather than watch a long video, this episode is for you. Watch the original video here, which also includes subtitles for the limited parts in Spanish. This is part 3, so if you haven't watched the previous episodes, make sure to watch part one and part two.

Now that we’ve spent some time laying the biblical foundations for freely giving ministry, it’s story time. I want to share some anecdotes and interview clips to give you a picture of the bitter fruit of the Jesus trade. When we refuse to follow Jesus’ command in Matthew 10:8 to freely give the grace that we have freely received, the repercussions are tragic. Much of the fallout of the modern Church’s obsession with monetizing ministry has been invisible to Westerners. That’s because it’s usually casting a dark shadow on people in other countries who don’t speak English or who aren’t as wealthy.
Special thanks to Fausto, Danillo, Paulo, and Botros for being willing to share about the reality in their countries.
Here are some of the resources referenced in the video, as well as some others that might be helpful:

Free and Open: Bibles without Copyright Restrictions

Daniel Block interview

Bible Publishers - Stewards or Gatekeepers?

United Bible Societies open resources

STEP Bible

Center for New Testament Restoration

The Dorean Principle

The Christian Commons

Does Jesus’ Command to “Freely Give” Apply Today?

Common Objections

Ten Times Commercializing Ministry Is Condemned

Books and Resources on the topic

Easy conversations to help you understand these issues better

All original content is freely given and dedicated to the public domain.
We do not give legal advice.