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Podcast episode 34

How to Publish a Book That's Truly Freely Given

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Many feel intimidated when it comes to making their book available free of cost or hindrance. And if you’ve listened to our conversation about Joe the Author, you may have lots of practical questions about where to start. This guide is for you.

A common misconception is that you need a legacy publisher to typeset, format, and publish your book in order for it to be successful, beautiful, and professional. That is simply not true. God, in his providence, has given us incredible tools that allow us to circumvent the unbiblical system of most legacy Christian publishers and reach far more people with our work. So this is a comprehensive guide meant to demystify the steps involved in self-publishing a book in a way that truly accords with Christ’s command to freely give (Matt 10:8).

From choosing typesetting software and formatting your manuscript, to navigating the publishing platforms, this guide covers most of the essential details to get you started. It explains how to leverage free tools and services, as well as freelance assistance when needed. While there is definitely a learning curve to this process, it is not out of reach for anyone who has a desire to grow and try new things. You’ll be surprised by how much trouble, time, and money you’ll save by not going with a legacy Christian publisher, while enjoying full control over the presentation, distribution, and updating of your work. Follow these steps, and you'll be able to self-publish a high-quality book that’s genuinely free for readers around the world.

Read the whole guide at

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